About Me

about-pic1My name is Mike Ford, I was born in New York City and grew up just north of it. I have been a computer guy my entire life and built my first website when I was eleven years old, hosted on my free 2mb of server space. When I was 12 I started developing and coding software in Visual Basic and it has been a passion of mine since, I still code in it today (see Blue Iris Tools). By the time I was 13 I had two ‘Unix boxes’ in the closet of my bedroom hosting my own websites, a few other peoples websites, an FTP server and more. Fast forward twenty years and while I have developed more passions, web design has always remained at the top of the list. There’s something about creating something from nothing and seeing it develop and succeed.

I am always interested in helping build your website, design your logo or otherwise assist in maximizing your brand. You may contact me anytime.

Thanks for visiting my website.